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our story

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hi guys, I'm shriya! if this website launch got delayed, I'm probably to blame. i have a crippling need to make everything textbook perfect, which pairs seamlessly with my love for procrastination. in fact, sanj's coffee has been the only motivator that seems to work. so if you are reading this, i'm probably 44% caffeine. i'm not the best at introductions but i keep busy writing, playing the guitar and spending an unhealthy amount of time with sanj and the kittens <3

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hi there! i'm sanjana. my favorite saying is probably 'jack of all trades, but master of none is better than a master of one'.. because i've never been able to master any of my pastimes - from creative writing, cooking and graphic design to reading, music and political discourse.


but of course, my favorite activity is spending time with shriya and my cats, working on new ideas for the website you're on right now. i hope you like the space we've created, and there's more to come. 

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